Saturday, January 12, 2013

Be An Action Hero

“You can be on the right track and still get run over if you're not moving.” ~ Orrin Woodward

When I was a kid, I used to love comic books. Superman, Batman, Justice League of America. They all were well worth the 12 or 25 cents I'd gladly shell out to catch up on their incredible adventures and their mostly secret lives. But, I must admit that Green Lantern was my favorite and that in the back of my mind, somehow he and I were really the same person. C'mon, you did the same thing -- didn't you? Moving on.

The main attraction to these super-heroes was some unique and incredible power that could be used to vanquish evil, restore order and remind us of the good that we were capable of doing. Of course, those costumes or suits were pretty cool too.

Today, we think of them as action heroes -- people who we can count on to do the right thing at the right time. Their most incredible power is usually courage, determination and a sense there is something bigger than themselves. And, as much as we like to believe that we ourselves fit into this category, an honest and open look may reveal otherwise.

The truth is, we can resolve, plan, study, train and prepare ourselves to move forward and still miss the most important and measurable step of all. We simply fail to take action. Plain and simple. In fact, as you read these last sentences it is likely a wave of guilt or at the very least, discomfort washed over you. Why? Because you know this is undeniably true in all but a handful of people you know. And, of course we know ourselves -- and there lies the rub.

We have great intentions. We say we're going to do it this time. Just wait until tomorrow comes, that's the day that will change everything! One question: How is that working for you?

In my business, as a coach, mentor and community builder, I am constantly talking about slowing down and facing the brutal reality of the situation my clients or students have put themselves in. We talk about the need for positive change that involves changing the information we allow in, which in turn changes the way we think, which in turn changes the actions we take, which in turn changes the results we get. Makes sense, doesn't it? And yet, time and time again it is the action step that interrupts and derails the process -- and renders accountability for results weak and basically pointless.

The Orrin Woodward quote above, really hits it on the head. We can resolve to do the right things. We can be on the right track with great information and associations that have the power to take us so far beyond the current and propel us in the stratosphere of the success and accomplishment we seek. We can plan and post quotes and make dreamboards -- oh, I'm making friends now -- but if we never really "do" then we relegate ourselves to the "friends of tomorrow club" where the oasis of what we've promised remains a mirage.

The good news is; it's never to late to take action -- even if it is only the smallest step. In fact, if you're going to be that person of action, I can reasonably guarantee that it is the small step that makes the biggest difference. Why? Because every journey whether it is to the mall or to the moon really does start with taking the first action step. So it goes for the changes we want to make, the dreamboards we want to fulfill, and the person we wish and hope to become.

Whatever that first action step is for you, I implore you to take it. It may hurt and you may actually fall in the process. So what. Get up and start again. Every step gets easier and every step increases the chance that you will actually develop a new habit -- the habit of taking action.

If you think about it, you'll also come to realize that there is someone who is just waiting for you to be that person of action. Perhaps there are a number of someones. You know who they are. Go ahead and be what they always knew you could be -- a true action hero.

If you'd like to have an accountability partner, I am more than happy to be there for you.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments. Just do me a favor. Do it now -- not tomorrow.


  1. Great message Terry!

    1. I appreciate you taking time to read and comment.

  2. You have a true knack for writing! Thanks for the insight!

  3. Thanks so much. I appreciate you taking a look.

  4. I just can't wait until your book is published! :-) You certainly do have a gift of writing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I don't know anyone that is better as a student and teacher.

  5. Thanks so much, Scott. I appreciate you.

  6. Not sure how I came across this but so glad I did. I'm on day 3 of being smoke free and your words just gave me motivation to stick with it. Thank you.

  7. So glad you find hope and motivation within this post. I appreciate you sharing this with me.

  8. So glad you find hope and motivation within this post. I appreciate you sharing this with me.


Your comments are welcome and appreciated.