This is a speech my daughter gave at her high school
graduation, last week. I share it not only as a proud dad, but as an
opportunity for us to stop and hear what our children, the leaders of tomorrow
are thinking. We've spent years teaching them, and nurturing them -- but have
we really spent any significant time listening to them?
When I heard her speech, I fully expected to be proud. In
fact, I knew I would be bursting with pride. What I didn't expect was to be
taught and inspired. And that is exactly what happened. To hear her thoughts on
the past, present, and future -- on service, relationships, dreams, goals, and
the anxious anticipation of what tomorrow brings, was both inspiring and
eye-opening. I knew she was smart, but I didn't know there was a certain wisdom
she had acquired and a realistic, yet optimistic view that can propel her into
positions of great leadership in the years ahead.
I suspect there are many like her, maybe even your own
children, who are growing up before our eyes and taking the lessons we've
taught, and the lessons they've caught and laying them as a foundation for
tomorrow. The question is: Are we listening? Please take a few minutes and
start here.
I'd love to hear about your experiences as well.
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