Friday, February 1, 2013

What's In Your Tank?

“What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing.” ~ Aristotle

As I meet and continue to work with people on a daily basis, I always ask about their dreams and deepest desires. Ultimately I will hear something like; "I just want to help people" or "I want to make a difference in the lives of others". It seems to be a common theme within the human spirit. But often, when I ask them how they would do it, a look of surprise or concern comes over their face -- followed by something like; "I'm not really sure".

In most cases, I truly believe that people want to help others or make a difference in the world -- but I'm also convinced that they really don't know how because there is not a fresh and streaming source of helpful information coming into their lives. It's kind of like going all day without eating. As much as you want to be helpful and attentive to what people around you are saying; your mind is only on the empty stomach and the weakened feeling you're experiencing. In short, your tank is empty -- and truth be told, your disposition may not be the best for the task at hand. You may even reach for some junk food to bridge the gap. Often, you'll feel even worse from the effect of the empty calories.

So, wouldn't it be just as true for our minds and hearts? Without a daily intake of positive and life-changing information, how can we expect to help others be more, have more, or reframe their thinking? What about the "junk food" of the mind? When our only daily intake is coming from the news media, social media, and negative co-workers or relatives, what is our mind and what is our heart going to produce? Junk! The Bible says: "For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh" (Luke 6:45).

If our true motivation or desire is to help others, then we cannot do so from an empty or polluted tank. We need to resolve to fill our reservoir with good, useful, positive, uplifting information that is grounded in truth. We need to be filled first so that out of our abundance our mind and heart overflow with helpful conversation, information, and encouragement. Simply put; you can't give what you don't have.

Your comments are always welcome and appreciated.

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